I’m sorry that I didn’t updated for such a long time. I was very busy the last week. It wasn’t because of school this time, no, it was freezing. Dutch people become crazy when it is freezing. Freezing means frozen water, which means ice skating! Ice skating till it gets dark and then going home to eat Stamppot and watch the news about de Elfstedentocht (the Eleven Cities Ice Skating tour)It’s hard to explain but the whole country was depressed when we heard there won’t be a Elfstedentocht this year because the ice wasn’t good enough. The last one was in 1997 which I can’t remember. (You can click on the words 'Stamppot' and 'Elfstedentocht' to read a very funny English article about it)

Winter landscape with iceskaters from Hendrick Avercamp. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
When I’m on my Winged feet, my ice skates, I love my country so much. It’s so beautiful to almost fly on the ditches and rivers trough the nature or on the canals in the cities. Below some pictures of the Dutch people which are “schaatsen”, ice skating.

Schaatspret Skating Fun in the Dutch polder

From now on I’m trying to upload more often.
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